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Heep Hong Society

Application for Admission


How to obtain the application form (No quota):

1. Please click here to download the "Admission Application Form"

2. Obtain from the kindergarten in person

Distribution Period:

1. Date: From September 2, 2024 to August 29, 2025

2. Time: Monday to Friday (9 am to 5 pm)

Submission of the application form (no limit time):

1. Date: From September 2, 2024 to August 29, 2025

2. Time: Monday to Friday (9 am to 5 pm)

3. Submission method: submit the application form in person/mail to kindergarten
Together with the following documents: a copy of the child’s birth certificate, a 2 inch photo of the child and three self-addressed envelopes ( write the address on the envelope and enough stamps)

4. Application fee: HK$40 (collected when submitting the application form), regardless of whether the application is successful or not, the application fee will not be refunded

Admission criteria Application for the "Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" (Only for K1 Applicants): 

1. Under the kindergarten education scheme (Scheme), each child who can receive education in Hong Kong will only be issued a registration document and all Scheme-KGs can only admit students holding a valid registration document.

2. Parents are required to submit an application for the “Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission” (hereafter referred to as“RC”) to EDB from September to November 2024. The “RC” will be open for applications in September and EDB will announce and upload the details of application onto EDB’s website in due course. Please visit the Education Bureau's website . Upon receipt of the applications with all necessary information and documents provided, EDB will generally take six to eight weeks to complete processing of the applications and issue the “RC” to applicants who are eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme by post. If a student cannot obtain an “RC” as he/she can receive education in Hong Kong but is not eligible for receiving subsidy under the Scheme1 , EDB will then issue a “Kindergarten Admission Pass” (hereafter referred to as “AP”) to the student concerned for registration and admission to a Scheme-KG but the parents concerned are required to pay full school fees before deduction of subsidy under the Scheme as shown on the Fees Certificate of the KG to which the child is admitted.

Admission criteria:

1. Face-to-face performance

2. Applicant's brothers and sisters are currently studying in this kindergarten and are given priority

3. If applying for whole day class, applicants with family needs will be given priority (please note that due to limitations, not all applicants who meet the priority will be admitted.)

Meeting arrangements:

1. The kindergarten will arrange to meet all the children who apply for admission to the kindergarten

2. We interview the children and parents who have applied to enter our school in the following academic year every November. The kindergarten will notify the parents in a separate letter and phone call.

3. Meeting in person

4. Parents must accompany their children to participate in the interview

5. The school can arrange interpretation or translation services for applicants as necessary, or allow parents and children to be accompanied by a Chinese-speaking relative/friend during the interview to facilitate communication. The phone number for Non-Chinese speaking parents is 3705 2251 and for email: 

Announcement of admission results: 

This kindergarten will inform parents of the application result by post before the mid of December.

Registration arrangement:

1. Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child in January 2025 [“Centralised Registration Dates” are 2 to 4 January 2025] by submitting the “RC” / “AP” to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee.

2. Applicants on the waiting list: This kindergarten will inform parents of the application result by post. Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child according to the specified date set by the school. Parents are required to submit the “RC” / “AP” to the kindergarten and pay the registration fee.

3. Please be reminded that if parents cannot submit the “RC” / “AP” during registration, the kindergarten may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are required to submit an application for the registration document to EDB within the specified period.

4. The registration fee for half-day is HK$970, full-day is HK$1,570 in 2025/26 school year. The fee will be refunded one month after the student was enrolled. Should parents decide to change school after registration, parents need to notify the school in writing, the school will return the “RC”/ “AP” but the registration fee will not be refunded. Once the “RC”/ “AP” was returned to the parents, the school will not reserve a place for the child.

For Enquiry:
By phone: 37052251            
By email: