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Heep Hong Society

Practicum and Training Platform

Providing a Practicum and Training Platform for Professionals

People is the key to quality child care services. While tertiary institutions nurture kindergarten teachers, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and social workers, Heep Hong Society and its multi-disciplinary professional team also play an important role in training these professionals for the sector. 

Every year, the Society is invited by local tertiary institutions to provide clinical practicum, field practice and other forms of training opportunities for their students in various professional fields of study. The students are given the opportunities to experience the actual work environment at our service centres where they can put their knowledge into practice under the tutelage of our professional staff.

Students from the following institutions have benefited from the practicum and learning opportunities provided by Heep Hong Society:

1.    The University of Hong Kong 
2.    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
3.    Hong Kong Metropolitan University
4.    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
5.    The City University of Hong Kong
6.    Hong Kong Baptist University
7.    The Education University of Hong Kong
8.    Hong Kong Shue Yan University
9.    Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
10.  Tung Wah College
11.  Yew Chung Community College