Heep Hong Society
Training on Basic Skills
- Baby Stimulation Program
- Pre-primary Cognitive Training
- Motor Training
- Sensory Motor Training
- Self-care Training
- Pre-writing Training
- Speech and Language Training
- Play Skill Training
- Emotion Management and Social Skill Training
- Social Adaptation Skill Training
Infant Stimulation Program

Pre-primary Cognitive Training
Motor training

Sensory motor training

Self-care training

Pre-writing Training

Speech and Language Training

Play Skill Training

Emotion Management and Social Skill Training
Social Adaptation Skill Training
Baby Stimulation Program
Sensorimotor development, including visual, hearing, touch, smell, taste, joint and balance senses, are the key issues in the first year of normal development. Babies practice to coordinate their movements with their senses. Baby stimulation program focuses on sensorimotor training. In motor control, for example, rolling, crawling, standing, walking and upper limb reaching, grasping and releasing. In sensory aspects, the ability to detect and adapt sensory stimulations from all the senses are included. In addition, the ability to interact with parents and caregivers, attention span in play and age-appropriate play skills are also recommended.
Pre-primary Cognitive Training
Pre-primary Cognitive Training aims at developing the children’s basic cognitive skill through wide range of activities, such as playing, experimenting with objects and daily life experience. Base on the children’s interest and comprehensive skill, strengthening their understanding of object properties, developing their basic mathematical concept, logical reasoning and problem solving skill.
Motor Training
Preschool motor training includes fundamental motor training, fitness and sport skill training. Training designed for children will be determined by their own ability.
Fundamental motor training includes 1) locomotor skills such as crawling, jumping and galloping; 2) stability skills such as turning, twist and bending; 3) manipulative skills such as throwing, catching and dribbling.
Fitness includes cardiopulmonary function, endurance, strengthen and body portion. Children should have satisfactory fitness as the foundation for building motor and sport skills.
Sport skills includes 1) utilizing preschool sport equipment such as plastic ball, hoola hoop and climbing net; 2) simple movement concept, for example, performing fast and slow movements as required in sport games, simple rhythmic dance movements; 3) ability to join group sport games, for example, the ability to take turns, throw and catch ball with partner and, following simple game rules.
Sensory Motor Training
Based on the developmental milestones of children, sensory motor activities are carefully planned with the use of therapeutic equipment, to provide children with the experience of exploring different senses e.g. visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive and vestibular etc. This will facilitate the development of sensory-motor function, body awareness, body co-ordination and enhance children’s adaptive skills, sense of security and motivation in learning.
Self-care Training
Self-care training includes toileting, dressing, feeding, grooming, care of personal belongings and basic domestic skills. By means of interesting activities, incorporated with the appropriate use of cues (visual, verbal and environmental) and behavioral training, training is carried out to enhance children’s independent self-care skills, with the use of adaptive aids if needed. Self-care training will also help to develop good personal habits, sense of responsibility and problem-solving skills, this will in turn decrease the burden of parents in taking care of their children.
Pre-writing Training
In pre-writing training, through the use of sensory motor activities which are systematically planned, children will develop good sitting posture, upper extremity control, pencil control, spatial concept, stroke concept and the ability to imitate and perform simple drawing tasks. This will prepare the child to learn how to write at a later stage.
Speech and Language Training
Speech and language training includes articulation, receptive language and expressive language skills. Apart from creating a rich language environment, interesting activities with specific speech and language goals are used to facilitate children’s language development. The goals will also be incorporated into daily activities. By practicing the different language skills in everyday life, children’s communication abilities can further be built up.
Play Skill Training
Play Skill Training for the children starts from simple object manipulation to more advanced play skill, such as functional play skill, constructive play skill, sensorimotor play skill and symbolic play skill. During the process of play, the children learn flexible problem solving and improve their creativity. They understand about rules and interpersonal skill.
Emotion Management and Social Skill Training
Through participating in learning activities, free play and group activities, the children increase understanding about the value of individuals and their own emotion. They learn the basic social skill and experience the boundary in group setting. They gain experience which enables them to develop positive attitude towards interpersonal relationship, improve self-confidence and independent skill.
Social Adaptation Skill Training
Social Adaptation skill Training aims to improve the adaptability and active participation of children in different community activities, such as going to the barber shop, shopping in supermarket, taking MTR and eating in fast food shop. Training is conducted through classroom activities, role play in simulated environment and real-life practice in community settings. Emphasis is put on enriching children’s sensory experience and improving the cognitive, social and communication skills required. Opportunities are provided for children to participate in different community living activities with fun and enjoyment.