Heep Hong Society
Corporate Partners and Corporate Volunteering Service
Express gratitude to Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd. for placing donation boxes in six shopping malls.

Heep Hong Roving Exhibition 2015-16 was a success. Thank you to all venue supporters.

United We Stand Foundation and Lions Club of Tsuen Wan jointly sponsored a series of social adaptation programmes at Tai Wo Hau Centre.
Volunteers from Wyeth Nutrition visited Dream Come True with Jockey Club Centre’s children

Lafayette Wedding Sponsored Shun Lee Centre for Dessert Buffet

Children from Fanling Parents Resource Centre visited Dream Come True with Dah Sing’s volunteers

Volunteers of Everbright visited Catherine Lo Centre.

Children and parents, and the volunteers from Shun Tak-China Travel Ship Management Limited had great time at Noah's Ark.

Special Thanks to Venue Supporters of Heep Hong Carnival 2014
The Aberdeen Marina Club Invited Children from Wan Tsui and Catherine Lo Center for Kids Fun Day

Wellcome and Heep Hong Celebrated 200th session of ‘I Can Do It Shopping Day’

Hong Kong Jockey Club sponsored CAVALIA tickets for Heep Hong children and parents
Women Helping Women Hong Kong sponsored Yau Lai Centre sensory integration room

Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, Celebrated Easter with Chan Chung Hon Centre Children and Parents
Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East Sponsored Yau Lai Centre Play Therapy Room

Methanex Asia Pacific Limited sponsored Wan Tsui Centre’s Sports Day
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, participated in the ‘Love our planet’ activity at Chan Chung Hon Centre
Heep Hong thanks MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited for their support for the pre-job training programme
Representatives of Rotary Club of City Northwest visited Tung Chung Centre

Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, visited Cheung Sha Wan Centre

Shanghai Commercial Bank sponsored Tung Chung Centre’s Christmas party
Children from Wan Tsui Centre sang Christmas Carols with the senior management of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
Island Shangri-La Celebrated Christmas with Children at Fu Cheong Centre

Rotary Club of Victoria Sponsored Multi-media Room in Tung Chung Centre
Rykadan Capital Limited Supported Wan Chai Centre’s Sports Day

Mr Peter Wan, Vice-Chairman of Heep Hong Society, Ms Nancy Tsang, Director of Heep Hong Society, and the children and parents of Fu Cheong Centre were invited to the tree Christmas tree-lighting ceremony of Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong
Dressed up in festive costume, children of Catherine Lo Centre celebrated Halloween with the volunteers from Rykadan Capital Limited.
Center for Non-Bone-Breaking Bunion Surgery held a charity hiking event for Fanling Parents Resource Centre.
Mongson Trading Company Limited, Swiss Art Studio and Heep Hong Society jointly launched the ‘Love My Community’ Campaign in summer 2014.

Wellcome Care Team visited Chan Chung Hon Centre

Robynn & Kendy Jammed with Heep Hong Children at Autism Rocks Held by Weekend Upcycling Workshop
Rotary Club of Kingspark Hong Kong volunteers interacted with Heep Hong children at Pak Tin Centre

Wellcome and Heep Hong Society kicked off “I Can Do It Shopping Day 2014”

Hyatt Corporation Supported Mural Painting at Catherine Lo Centre

Meco Hockey donated proceeds from competition to Heep Hong Society.

Please support Island Shangri-La, Heep Hong Mooncake Charity Sale
Good Hope Singers visited and made a donation to Heep Hong Centres
Heep Hong Society and Ai You (Hong Kong) Foundation signs the cooperation agreement.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Christmas Tree-lighting Ceremony

Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Supported Mural Painting at the New Site of Pak Tin Centre

Volunteers from Wyeth (Hong Kong) Holding Company Limited celebrated Christmas with children at Chun Shek Centre

The First Career Talk for Autistic Youths by Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong and Isalnd Shangri-La, Hong Kong

Heep Hong Charity Glutinous Rice Dumpling Gift Set

Elephant Parade, Island Shangri-La & Heep Hong Society Help Paint a Bright Future for Children

Fairwood helped Heep Hong collect donations.
Wyeth (Hong Kong) Holding Company Limited visited ‘Dream Come True’ with the children and their parents from Alice Louey Centre

Prince Jewellery & Watch Supported Movie-watching Activities at Shun Lee Centre
Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, presented the cheque of donation to Heep Hong Society
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, and Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, raised funds for Heep Hong children through McDull Christmas Tree Charity Sale

Rotary Club of City Northwest visited children at Kwok Yip Lin Houn Centre

1,500 contestants participated in “Canon Photo Marathon 2013 Hong Kong”.

Barclays supported autistic youth for life-skills training

The Green Market donated sales proceeds to Heep Hong Society
Roving Autism Exhibition
Wai Yin Association sponsored a Multi-sensory Room at Tung Chung Centre
Eugene Group helped raise funds for Heep Hong Society
GlaxoSmithKline celebrates Christmas with children with speical needs

Donate Funds to Heep Hong Society via Charitable Choice gift card sale
Christmas Charity Raffle
natures purest Christmas Socks Charity Sale

Charity Sale of Sandals Donated by Champion Wealth Industrial (HK) Ltd

Pokka Corporation (HK) Ltd. helped Heep Hong collect donations.

5R donating 10% from sales to Heep Hong
Go.Asia Founders Visited and Donated Tablets to Heep Hong Society
Batucada "Childhood Memories" Art Exhibition and Charity Sale
"Love Life" Journal Cover Design Contest by Swank Cultural Innovation Development Co. Ltd.

Music Therapy Programme sponsored by The Kiddiz Castle

Variety Hong Kong donated Therapeutic Listening equipments to Heep Hong
Soroptimist International of Hong Kong Sponsored Training Room & Mural Painting at Pak Tin Centre

natures purest and HealthBaby initiated “520 Rolling in the Heart” to raise funds for Heep Hong

Designer Allan Flores sharing design concepts with participants
iPads from Clifford Chance Benefit Heep Hong Children

Heep Hong children & David Tao at a promotional event of Kiehl's

Redford Charitable Foundation will Hold a Charity Walk
From left: Elven Leung of Honest Motors Limited, Dr Henry Au Yeung of Heep Hong Society and Thomas Schmitt-Glaeser of Island Shangri-La
Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Helps Heep Hong Collect Donations
Good Hope Singers made a donation to Heep Hong for provision of music group therapies
Heep Hong Donation Box at Starbucks Coffee
Centre children toured Star Cruises

Habibi’s Ancient Egyptian Charity Dinner for Heep Hong on 22 February 2011

Island Shangri-La has organized a charity raffle in partnership with Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong to benefit Heep Hong children
natures purest launched charity sale to support Heep Hong services

“Pfizer Caring Hands” volunteer team visited the Jumpin Gym with our children
A volunteer of Rotary Club of the Peak part-took in the mural painting at Pak Tin Centre

our children performed in the GoGoMatch 2010
Island Shangri-La Hong Kong celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival with children
MSIG invited children and their families to join their Fitness Festival for staff
Standard Chartered Supported Mural Painting at Wan Tsui Centre (West Wing)
Mr Nick Chung donated proceeds from his publication

“Around the Community in 180 Days”
Grand Hyatt Volunteers Visited Wanchai Centre

Melco Supports Children with Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

On Father’s Day, Edko Films Ltd joined hands with Heep Hong Society to hold the “Ocean Heaven” Preview Screening to raise funds for The Fathers' Club
Manulife Charitable Foundation Sponsored “Manulife Musical Movement & Play Therapy Room”
Visits to Cathay City and Government Flying Service

Donation of two vans by Prince Jewellery & Watch

Volunteers from Goldman Sachs

MSIG Supports Training Projects for Autistic Youth
Our corporate partners are as follows:
Express gratitude to Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd. for placing donation boxes in six shopping malls
With support of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Ltd, Heep Hong donation boxes were offered to place donation boxes at the Customer Care Centre in six shopping malls including New Town Plaza I, Chelsea Heights, New Jade Shopping Arcade, East Point City, Tsuen Wan Plaza & wtc more from Feb, 1 to Jul 31 this year. The total amount of HK$20,633.6 has been raised in order to support children and youth with diverse needs as well as their families.
We sincerely thank for kind arrangement in six malls. For more details, please click here for detailed audit report.
Special Thanks to Venue Supporters of Heep Hong Roving Exhibition 2015-16
In order to arouse public awareness of children with special needs, Heep Hong Society held the Heep Hong Roving Exhibition 2015-16. Visitors could try out the apps developed by the Society and participate in story time and apps workshop. A number of autistic teenagers acted as ambassadors and provided guided tours for visitors. We sincerely thank the malls for providing venue support.
United We Stand Foundation and Lions Club of Tsuen Wan Sponsored Social Adaptation Programmes
Under the sponsorship of the United We Stand Foundation and Lions Club of Tsuen Wan, Tai Wo Hau Centre successfully held a series of social adaptation programmes for its children. Programme activities such as having a hair-cut, dining at restaurants and outdoor activities helped the children become more adapted to the social environment. Parents reflected that this programme could effectively improve children’s ability in regulating their emotion in social situations and strengthen parents’ confidence in bringing their children out.
Volunteers from Wyeth Nutrition Visited Dream Come True with Jockey Club Centre’s Children
Accompanied by the volunteers from Wyeth Nutrition, the children of Jockey Club Centre visited Dream Come True Education Park in July 2015. During the event, children acted as astronauts, police officers, firefighters and medical doctors in the role play sessions and completed a series of missions assigned in the career simulation workshops. Parents reflected that the activity could effectively lead children with special needs to appreciate the contribution of different occupations in an interactive and entertaining way.
Lafayette Wedding Sponsored Shun Lee Centre for Dessert Buffet
Lafayette Wedding sponsored the children and parents of Shun Lee Centre for a dessert buffet on 19 July 2015. Apart from enjoying the delicious desserts, our children and their parents jointly decorated the cupcakes and spent some quality time together.
Lafayette Wedding also sponsored the graduation ceremony of Shun Lee Centre this year. All the guests were touched by the performances of the graduates and the parents’ sharing.
Children of Fanling Parents Resource Centre Visited Dream Come True with Dah Sing Volunteers
Dah Sing Bank collaborated with Heep Hong Society for a service programme – ‘Dah Sing Volunteers – Summer Job Challenge’ in July 2015. With the company of Dah Sing Volunteers, children from Fanling Parents Resource Centre participated in several career simulation workshops in Dream Come True Education Park. At the end of the activity, volunteers showed their care by presenting gift cards to the children and their parents. The day was full of joy and laughter.
China Everbright Limited Visited Catherine Lo Centre
The volunteers of China Everbright Limited visited Catherine Lo Centre in June 2015. Apart from taking part in the treasure hunt with our children, the volunteers showed their enthusiasm in discussing the issue of autistic children with Heep Hong’s staff. In addition, the Everbright Charitable Foundation made a donation to Cartherine Lo Centre in support of its upcoming multi-sensory integration training programme.
Shun Tak-China Travel Ship Management Limited Sponsored Mary Wong Centre “Noah’s Ark Experience Day”
Shun Tak-China Travel Ship Management Limited sponsored Mary Wong Centre “Noah’s Ark Experience Day” on 21 Jun 2015. Children and parents visted Ark Expo and participated workshops. Apart from it, volunteers and participants play team-based games. Everyone enjoyed an exciting time.
Special Thanks to Venue Supporters of Heep Hong Carnival 2014
To strengthen public understanding and acceptance of children with developmental disorders, Heep Hong Society held the Heep Hong Carnival in 2014. We sincerely thank the malls for providing venue support.
The Aberdeen Marina Club Invited Children from Wan Tsui and Catherine Lo Center for Kids Fun Day
The Aberdeen Marina Club (AMC) invited children from Wan Tsui Center and Catherine Lo Center to join their Kids Fun Day on 22 April and 6 May 2015. The Children had fun with different toys and play facilities, such as indoor bicycles, children’s kitchen and construction truck. AMC also prepared a wonderful lunch for the children. All of them had a wonderful time.
Wellcome and Heep Hong Celebrated 200th session of ‘I Can Do It Shopping Day’
Wellcome and Heep Hong Society have been jointly organising the social adaptation training programme — ‘I Can Do It Shopping Day’ - for five years. This programme aims to equip children with grocery shopping skills such as using the trolleys, selecting commodities and queueing at the cashier. As of 22 May 2015, 200 sessions have been held. On that day, over 40 children and parents from Yu Ming Centre participated in the celebration of the 200thsession at the Metrocity III Superstore. In addition, Wellcome donated the sale revenue of that store during the 1 hour of the event to the Society.
Hong Kong Jockey Club Sponsored CAVALIA Tickets
The Hong Kong Jockey Club generously sponsored tickets for Heep Hong children and parents to attend CAVALIA — the equestrian spectacular which integrates acrobatics, dance and aerial stunts. The children and parents were amazed by the beauty of the horses and enjoyed a delightful night.
Women Helping Women Hong Kong Sponsored Yau Lai Centre Sensory Integration Room
Women Helping Women Hong Kong generously sponsored the sensory integration room in Yau Lai Centre. Three committee members visited the centre on 29 April 2015. Besides explaining the functions of the sensory integration room and its benefits to children with special needs, the Centre-In-Charge also introduced other facilities to the visitors to enhance their understanding of Heep Hong’s educational and training services.
Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd. Hosted Little Music Bean Farm Tour for Heep Hong Children
Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited (CASH) invited families from the Jockey Club Centre to join the Little Music Bean Farm Tour on 19 April 2015. Other than playing African drums and dancing to the music, the children and parents also baked bread and made DIY soap at the farm, and the volunteers presented the children with gift bags. Everyone had an exhilarating weekend.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, Celebrated Easter with Chan Chung Hon Centre Children and Parents
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, hosted the Children’s Party on 4 April 2015 and invited the children and parents of Chan Chung Hon Centre to celebrate Easter with their volunteers. After some playing some fun games with their parents at the booths, the children performed a dance in animal costumes for the guests. Everyone enjoyed the party exceedingly.
Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East Sponsored Yau Lai Centre Play Therapy Room
Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East generously sponsored Yau Lai Centre’s Play Therapy Room. The opening ceremony was held on 21 March 2015. Through visiting the centre facilities, the Rotarians got to know more about the children with special needs and understand how play therapy enhances the children’s learning.
Methanex Asia Pacific Limited Sponsored Wan Tsui Centre’s Sports Day
Methanex Asia Pacific Limited sponsored Wan Tsui Centre’s Sports Day in mid-February 2015. Through interactive and entertaining sports games, the programme stimulated children’s interest in sports. Children also celebrated the Year of Goat with their parents and teachers.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, Visited Chan Chung Hon Centre
Over 30 volunteers from Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, visited Chan Chung Hon Centre on Feb 23 2015. At the 'Love Our Planet’ activity, the volunteers taught our children about the recycling principle through fun little games. Each child also decorated a unique piggy bank with an old tissue paper box and magazines. It was perfect for storing their Chinese New Year’s red pocket money.
MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited Sponsored Pre-job Training Programme
Since 2008 onwards, MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Limited has offered their support to the pre-job training programme. Through comprehensive job training, counseling and public education activities, the programme has helped autistic youth and their parents equip themselves for future career development.
The 2014 Closing Ceremony of the programme was successfully held on 1 February 2015 in Hoi Fu Centre where the youth trainees received their certificates. The ceremony was livened up by the karaoke competition and performances by the participants of pre-job entertainment and talent training.
Rotary Club of City Northwest Sponsored Tung Chung Centre’s Play and Music Therapy Programme
With an aim to enhancing children’s ability in social communication and emotion regulation, Rotary Club of City Northwest sponsored Tung Chung Centre’s Play and Music Therapy Programme which was held from December 2014 to January 2015. The programme allowed children to learn in a fun atmosphere and strengthened parent-child relationship. Representatives from the club also visited Tung Chung Centre on 24 January 2015 to learn more about the needs of Heep Hong’s children.
Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Visited Cheung Sha Wan Centre
Volunteers from Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, visited Cheung Sha Wan Centre on 23 January 2015 and had an enjoyable afternoon with the children. Apart from playing games and sharing snacks with the children, their volunteers presented stationery gifts to them as a token of encouragement.
Shanghai Commercial Bank Sponsored Tung Chung Centre’s Christmas Party
Shanghai Commercial Bank Sponsored Tung Chung Centre’s Christmas Party, which was held on 19 December 2014. The children and their parents worked together to decorate their festive costumes with recycled materials. Representatives from the bank also attended the party and hosted the lucky draw. Everyone had an exciting time.
Heep Hong and Grand Hyatt Teamed Up to Send Christmas Blessings
20 children from Heep Hong Society’s Wan Tsui Centre sang Christmas carols with the senior management of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong on Dec 19 2014 at the hotel’s lobby to celebrate the beginning of this festive season. Grand Hyatt also sponsored nearly 200 children and parents for a wonderful Christmas party. Santa Claus also joined in to give out presents to each child. Everyone had a lovely and blessed afternoon.
Island Shangri-La Celebrated Christmas with Children at Fu Cheong Centre
The volunteers from Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, organised a Christmas party for the children at Fu Cheong Centre on 18 December 2014. They decorated the Christmas tree and danced to Christmas carols together with the children. They also dressed up as Santa Claus and gave out Christmas presents. The children were overjoyed.
Rotary Club of Victoria Sponsored Multi-media Room in Tung Chung Centre
Rotary Club of Victoria generously sponsored the multi-media room in Tung Chung Centre. The opening ceremony was held on 13 December 2014. The parents’ sharing and children performance in Christmas costumes filled the ceremony with joy.
Rykadan Capital Limited Supported Wan Chai Centre’s Sports Day
Rykadan Capital Limited supported Wai Chai Centre’s Sport Day, which was held on 7 December in Community Sports. The children participated in various group activities under the guidance of the coach. Everyone had an exciting time.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, Christmas Tree-lighting Ceremony 2014
The Christmas tree-lighting ceremony of Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, was held on 3 December 2014. Mr Peter Wan, Vice Chairman of Heep Hong Society, was invited to officiate the ceremony.
Through singing and dancing to Christmas carols, The children from Heep Hong Fu Cheong Centre express the heartfelt thanks on behalf of the Society to the Hotel for their long-standing support for the welfare of children with special needs.
Rykadan Capital Limited Celebrated Halloween with Children at Catherine Lo Centre
Rykadan Capital Limited made a donation to Catherine Lo Centre for purchasing training materials. Its volunteers also celebrated Halloween with children dressed up in eye-catching festive costumes at the Centre.
Center for Non-Bone-Breaking Bunion Surgery Held Charity Hiking Event for Fanling Parents Resource Centre
Centre for Non-Bone-Breaking Bunion Surgery held a charity hiking event for Fanling Parents Resource Centre on 26 October 2014. Staff volunteers, parents and children had an enjoyable day in Aberdeen. Proceeds from the event would go to Fanling Parents Resource Centre in support of its training and educational programmes.
Mongson Trading Company Limited, Swiss Art Studio and Heep Hong Society Jointly Launched the ‘Love My Community’ Drawing Campaign
Mongson Trading Company Limited, Swiss Art Studio and Heep Hong Society jointly launched the ‘Love My Community’ Drawing Campaign in summer 2014. Volunteers from Mongson and Swiss Art Studio taught children drawing skills at six centres. Each participant was gifted a set of stationery sponsored by Tombow and Nichiban at the end of the workshops.
Wellcome Cares Team Visited Chan Chung Hon Centre
Wellcome Care Team participated in the ‘I Can Do It Shopping Day – Social Adaptation Programme’ with the children from Chan Chung Hon Centre on 3 December 2014. Apart from assisting children in learning the basic skills of grocery shopping, the volunteer team also visited the centre and shared the joy of Christmas with the children.
Robynn & Kendy Jammed with Heep Hong Children at Autism Rocks Held by Weekend Upcycling Workshop
At the Autism Rocks organised by Weekend Upcycling Workshop on 6 April 2014, the popular singer-songwriter group Robynn & Kendy and Heep Hong children turned old materials into musical instruments. Through games and music, they joined forces to promote social integration.
Rotary Club of Kingspark Hong Kong Donated Interactive Learning Equipment
Rotary Club of Kingspark Hong Kong has generously donated an interactive white board and an iPad to Heep Hong Society for training and educational purposes. Their volunteers visited Pak Tin Centre on 10 May 2014. The volunteers played learning games with Heep Hong children using the interactive white board for an enjoyable afternoon.
Wellcome and Heep Hong Kicked Off ‘I Can Do It Shopping Day 2014’
Wellcome and Heep Hong Society have been jointly organising the social adaptation training programme - ‘I Can Do It Shopping Day’ - for four years. This year, the kick-off ceremony was held on 15 May 2014 in the Metrocity 3 Superstore. Under the guidance of Heep Hong’s teachers and Wellcome’s volunteer team, Heep Hong’s children applied their shopping skills. They experienced using the trolleys, selecting commodities and queueing at the cashier. Wellcome also presented specially designed party hats and sketch books to the children on that day. The children were overjoyed.
Hyatt Corporation Supported Mural Painting at Catherine Lo Centre
Volunteers from the Hyatt Corporation visited the new site of Catherine Lo Centre at Wah Fu Estate on 29 April 2014. They came up with fascinating designs of the exterior walls and reception of the centre, and joined forces with children to beautify the walls in the hope that children could study in a happy environment. Click here for the video
Meco Hockey Donated Proceeds from Competition to Heep Hong Society
Meco Hockey organised an ice-hockey competition on 22 May 2014 to promote the sport as well as raise funds for Heep Hong Society to provide professional training and services. On the day of competition, the parents offered their support not only to their children, but also to Heep Hong children with special needs by making generous donations.
Island Shangri-La, Heep Hong Mooncake Charity Sale
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, will donate its proceeds from the sale of Heep Hong Society Charity Mooncakes (HK$338 per set) to the Children Training Fund of the Society. Each set includes four traditional mooncakes filled with white lotus seed paste and double egg yolks. Please click here for order details. For enquiry, please call 2820 8551 or email mooncake.isl@shangri-la.com.
Good Hope Singers Visited and Made a donation to Heep Hong Centres
Good Hope Singers volunteers made handicrafts with children at Heep Hong Centres on 18 October 2014, and made a donation to Fanling Parents Resource Centre in support of its music and art therapy programmes.
Ai You (Hong Kong) Foundation Supported the Implementation of SCERTS Model at Heep Hong
Ai You (Hong Kong) Foundation sponsored Heep Hong Society to implement the SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional Support) Model — an educational model developed in the US for working with children with autism spectrum disorder — at all Special Child Care Centres. The special child care workers integrate the SCERTS Model into TEACCH Approach to help children improve in social communication and emotional regulation. The Society also offers training to teachers and parents as well as conducts effectiveness studies of the SCERTS Model.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Christmas Tree-lighting Ceremony
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Christmas tree-lighting ceremony was held on 3 December, 2013. Officiating at the event are Hotel Manager Mr. Gabriele Lombardo, the Patron of Heep Hong Society, Mrs. Regina Leung and Heep Hong Society’s Chairman, Dr. Henry Au Yeung, JP. Children from our Cheung Sha Wan Centre performed Christmas caroling and dancing to express our heartfelt thanks to the Hotel for their staunch support towards the welfare of children with special needs throughout these years.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Supported Mural Painting at the New Site of Pak Tin Centre
Volunteers from Island Shangri-La Hong Kong visited the new site of Pak Tin Centre on 8 March 2013. They collaborated with Heep Hong children on the beautification of the external wall with an image of an eye-catching train. The atmosphere on that day was full of joy and happiness.
Wyeth (Hong Kong) Holding Company Limited Celebrated Christmas with Heep Hong’s Children
Volunteers from Wyeth (Hong Kong) Holding Company Limited visited Chun Shek Centre on 13 December 2013 and celebrated Christmas with Heep Hong’s Children. On that day, they played interactive games, tasted turkey and enjoyed Christmas music happily together. Children were amused by the volunteer dressed up in the costume of Santa Claus.
The First Career Talk for Autistic Youths by Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong and Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong
In collaboration with Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, and Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, Hoi Fu Centre of Heep Hong Society organised the first ‘Career Talk for Autistic Youths’ in March 2014 to acquaint participants with the daily operations of the hotel and provide them with mock interviews in order to prepare them for careers in the hospitality industry.
Island Shangri-La, Heep Hong Rice Dumplings Charity Sale
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, will donate its proceeds from the sale of Heep Hong Charity Glutinous Rice Dumpling Gift Sets (HK$388 each) to the Society. Each set includes three mini-dumplings of different flavours: abalone and egg yolks, bird's nest and sweetened Japanese red beans, and truffle paste and assorted mushrooms. To place orders, please call (852) 2820 8551, email islandgourmet.isl@shangri-la.com or visit Island Gourmet from 5 May to 2 June 2014.
Elephant Parade, Island Shangri-La & Heep Hong Society Help Paint a Bright Future for Children
Elephant Parade has donated 1,700 pieces of 10cm elephant statues to children with special needs at Heep Hong Society. With the aid of volunteers from Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, children created great works of art. The elephant statutes will be showcased at Cityplaza Phase 1 from 1 August to 9 September 2014.
Heep Hong Donation Boxes at Fairwood
Heep Hong Society is supported by Fairwood Holdings Limited to place donation boxes in 60 Fairwood fast food restaurants from 7 March to 31 May 2014. All donations raised go to helping children with special needs and their parents.
Wyeth (Hong Kong) Holding Company Limited Supported Heep Hong’s Children to Fulfill Their Dream
In summer 2014, Wyeth (Hong Kong) Holding Company Limited visited ‘Dream Come True’ with the children and their parents from Alice Louey Centre. Children were given a chance to learn more about different occupations by acting as policemen, doctors and journalists in a fun way.
Prince Jewellery & Watch Supported Movie-watching Activities
To help children integrate into the community, Prince Jewellery & Watch generously supported a movie-watching activity held for Shun Lee Centre children on 24 August 2014. After assisting children in a simulation workshop at the centre, the volunteers accompanied children and their families to a movie-watching activity at a cinema.
Kowloon Shangri-La, Moon Cake Charity Sale
Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, organised the mid-autumn charity sale of sale of Helping Children Shine ‐ Moon Cakes. It raised overHK$60,000 for Heep Hong Society. The cheque presentation ceremony was held on 19 November 2014. Our sincere gratitude goes to Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, and all the donors for their generous support.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, and Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, Launched McDull Christmas Tree Charity Sale
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong, and Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, jointly launched the ‘McDull Christmas Tree’ (Limited Edition) in November 2013. Part of the proceeds of the sale was donated to Heep Hong Society in support of its training for children with developmental disorders. A number of underprivileged children with special needs also received ‘McDull Christmas Trees’ donated by donors and had a very warm and lovely Christmas.
Rotary Club of City Northwest sponsored our “Rotary Read and Play Programme”
The “Rotary Read and Play Programme”, sponsored by Rotary Club of City Northwest, was carried out at 10 of our centres from 2011 to 2013. The aim of the programme is to enrich training and educational resources, including iPads, books and toys, at our centres. The newly-added toys enable us to stimulate children’s interest and motivation in learning. During this period, Members from the club visited our children regularly and given them much encouragement to improve in all aspects.
Heep Hong Society is the solo beneficiary of “Canon Photo Marathon 2013 Hong Kong”
"Canon Photo Marathon 2013 Hong Kong” was successfully held on 6 October 2013 and Heep Hong Society was lucky to be the beneficiary. The event fundraised $197,210.88 in total and all the proceeds, without deducting the administration expenses, will be allocated to support the training programme of our service centres. Canon Hongkong Company Limited also invited 20 children of us to participate in the Student Category Group and arranged a photography class for them before the event. This opportunity definitely provided a good platform for the children to express their inner world and stretch their potential in photography.
Barclays Supported Autistic Youth for Life-skills Training
With the generous sponsorship of Barclays, The Youth Dynamics 2013 Project was conducted by Heep Hong Society to help 29 youngsters with autism and related special needs enhance their life skills and explore their potential for future development. Barclays volunteers also took part in providing adventure-based training and mock interviews, helping those youngsters gain valuable experience and broaden their horizons.
The Green Market Donated Sales Proceeds to Heep Hong Society
Thanks to the generous support of The Green Market! All sales proceeds between 17 - 19 July 2013 were donated to Heep Hong Society. The Green Market also invited our children from Tung Chung Centre to join a Salad Workshop on 19 July. The children had a wonderful time enjoying afternoon tea and making salad together. We wish to express our gratitude to The Green Market and food lovers’ awareness and support for children with special needs.
Kingswood Ginza and The Pacifica Mall Supports the Roving Autism Exhibition
With the venue support from Kingswood Ginza and The Pacifica Mall, Heep Hong Society held its Roving Autism Exhibition during 25th-26th May 2013 and 22nd-23rd June 2013, to enhance the understanding of the public towards Autism and Heep Hong service. A number of autistic youths were there to promote Heep Hong services and share their stories in the capacity as its ambassadors. The exhibition was a great success.
Multi-sensory Room Sponsored by Wai Yin Association
Wai Yin Association sponsored a Multi-sensory Room at Heep Hong Tung Chung Centre benefiting children with special needs in exploring and developing their senses and skills.
Sun Hung Kai Properties and Chinese Estates Group Helped Heep Hong Collect Donations
Thanks to the staunch support of Sun Hung Kai Properties and Chinese Estates Group, donation collection boxes were placed at the customer services counters of New Town Plaza Phrase 3, Metroplaza,Tsuen Wan Plaza, Grand Century Plaza, The ONE,Silvercord, and Windsor House in Causeway Bay between 28 June 2012 and 31 January 2013. All donations collected will be used for helping children with special needs and their families. (Click here for the independent auditor’s report of the event)
Eugene Group helped raise funds for Heep Hong Society
Through the charity sale at its annual dinner and its new shop at Citylink Plaza, and a baby crawling contest held at the ‘2013 Baby Show in Spring & Child Growth Education Expo’, the Eugene Group helped raise funds for Heep Hong Society to support local children with special needs.
GlaxoSmithKline celebrates Christmas with children with speical needs
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a research based pharmaceutical company, has generously sponsored and jointly organized a couple of activities with Heep Hong Society recently. Volunteers from GSK participated at the mural painting with much enthusiasm at our Wan Tsui Centre on 5 October. On 6 December, over 200 volunteers joined the GSK Christmas Fun Day where children with special needs from the New Territories East region and their parents enjoyed a fun-filled day. More than 300 children and their parents enjoyed the game booths, food and drinks, and photo opportunities with Santa Claus.
Donate Funds to Heep Hong Society via Charitable Choice gift card sale
Charitable Choice launched an interactive charity gift card platform. The gift giver and recipients of the cards are highly encouraged to choose Heep Hong Society as the beneficiary. For details please click here.
Christmas Charity Raffle
Island Shangri-La Hong Kong is organizing a charity raffle in partnership with Premium Motors Ltd. Simply donate HK$100 to obtain a raffle ticket and you have a chance to win an AUDI TT Coupe 1.8 TFSI (valued at HK$442,500) filled with an assortment of premium Christmas goodies from Island Shangri-La! Other prizes include weekend stays in the Presidential Suites of Island Shangri-La Hong Kong. All proceeds will go to Heep Hong Society to benefit children with special needs and their families.
natures purest Christmas Socks Charity Sale
The specialty store of organic baby products, natures purest, launches a Christmas Socks Charity Sale this Christmas. From November 26 onwards, donate HKD 100 to receive a Charity Christmas set - a beautiful Christmas stocking with 2 pairs of organic socks, a natures purest cash coupon of HK$100, and a thank you card drawn by our children. All proceeds of this special charity set will be donated to Heep Hong Society, and are available for sale at the following shops of natures purest:
- 6/F, SOGO Causeway Bay, 555 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong
- Shop A105, Phase III, New Town Plaza, Shatin New Territories (Tel: 2608 1466)
Charity Sale of Sandals Donated by Champion Wealth Industrial (HK) Ltd.
Champion Wealth Industrial (HK) Ltd. generously donated over 500 pairs of ladies’ sandals for charity sale. All proceeds will go to Children Training Fund for supporting children with special needs and their families.
Heep Hong Donation Boxes at Pokka Corporation (HK) Ltd.
Pokka Corporation (HK) Ltd. supported Heep Hong Society by allowing the placement of donation boxes in 18 outlets including POKKA CAFÉ, POKKA CAFÉ Grill Specialist and Buono Nuobo in August 2012. All donations raised will go to helping children with special needs and their parents.
5R donating 10% from sales to Heep Hong
Heep Hong’s corporate partner 5R is celebrating its 5th anniversary. Upon consumption of the set dinner between 15th July to 15th August, 5R will donate 10% of the billed amount to Heep Hong Society, benefiting children with special needs and their families. For enquiries and reservation, please call Edith at 6178 9139.
Go.Asia Founders Visited and Donated Tablets to Heep Hong Society
Famous artists, Mr Donnie Yen and his wife, Ms Cissy Wang, visited Heep Hong Society’s Catherine Lo Centre on 29 June 2012, and, at the press conference on 27 July, pledged to donate tablet computers via DotAsia to the Society for the benefit of children with special needs.
Batucada "Childhood Memories" Art Exhibition and Charity Sale
PUGOYI Asia and Batucada HK launched an Art Exhibition and Charity Sale. A series of ECO jewelries as well as a number of illustrations with the theme of "Childhood Memories" designed by local designers were exhibited for charity sale and charity auction accordingly. Part of the proceeds of the sale was donated to Heep Hong Society. In March 2012, PUGOYI Asia and Batucada HK also hosted a design workshop for 8 Parent Resources Centre members, whose work was also displayed in the exhibition.
"Love Life" Journal Cover Design Contest by Swank Cultural Innovation Development Co. Ltd.
Heep Hong children and their families are invited to submit up to 3 designs with “Love Life” as the central theme for the front cover and back cover of a “Love Journal”. The award-winning designs might be printed as a journal for sale during the Book Fair. All proceeds, net of costs, will go to Heep Hong Society in support of children with special needs. Click here for details, application form and design form.
Music Therapy Programme sponsored by The Kiddiz Castle
The Kiddiz Castle sponsored a Music Therapy Programme at Heep Hong Jessie and Thomas Tam Centres benefiting children with special needs in improving their communication and social skills.
Variety Hong Kong donated Therapeutic Listening equipments to Heep Hong
Variety Hong Kong has generously donated Therapeutic Listening devices to support Heep Hong Society in its training for children with special needs. The equipments will be used by therapists to carry out a specialized therapeutic training which will benefit more than 300 children a year.
Soroptimist International of Hong Kong Sponsored Training Room & Mural Painting at Centre
Members of Soroptimist International of Hong Kong joined hands with children of Heep Hong Society on 26 May 2012 to paint the exterior wall of the new training room in Pak Tin Centre, adding a touch of liveliness and joyfulness to the neighbourhood. With this new training facility donated by Soroptimist International of Hong Kong, Heep Hong will be able to extend training and therapeutic services to more special needs children including those on the waiting list for subsidized pre-school services and from deprived backgrounds.
natures purest and HealthBaby initiated “520 Rolling in the Heart” to raise funds for Heep Hong
natures purest and HealthBaby co-organized the “520 Rolling in the Heart” charity event, which encompassed a drawing competition, a charity auction and a charity sale, to raise funds for Heep Hong Society. The donation was presented to Heep Hong at an award presentation ceremony on 20 May at Harbour City.
Chinese Estates Group Helped Heep Hong Collect Donations
Thanks to the staunch support of the Chinese Estates Group, donation collection boxes were placed at the customer services counters of The ONE and Silvercord in Tsim Sha Tsui and Windsor House in Causeway Bay between 27 April 2011 and 26 April 2012. All donations collected will be used for helping children with special needs and their families. (Click here for the independent auditor’s report of the event)
Designers Invited by PUGOYI ASIA Shared Expertise with Heep Hong Students
PUGOYI ASIA kindly organized an art workshop for Heep Hong students on March 10. Designers Allan Flores and Carmen Ng volunteered to share design knowledge and techniques with 8 participants. All of them enjoyed the pleasure of art creation and were thankful to PUGOYI ASIA and the two dedicated instructors for providing such fun-filled learning opportunity.
iPads from Clifford Chance Benefit Heep Hong Children
Heep Hong Society is glad to have received a donation from the Clifford Chance LLP for purchasing 10 iPads for training children with special needs. The generous donation, being the first of its kind for our organisation, will enhance the training effectiveness and learning experience of our children.
Charity Sale by Kiehl'sx David Tao
A corporate partner of Heep Hong Society, Kiehl’s celebrated its 160th Anniversary this year. By donating all the income from the sales of a series of skin care products designed by the Taiwanese singer David Tao, Kiehl’s Hong Kong wish to send its blessings to children with special needs, and enable them to receive professional training and therapies.
Redford Charitable Foundation will Hold a Charity Walk
Redford Charitable Foundation will hold a charity walk on 29 October 2011 and donate part of the funds raised to Heep Hong Society.
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong Helps Heep Hong Raise Funds
Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong launched their Nissan Leaf, a 100% electric, zero emission car. As the first Asian hotel to introduce such an initiative, the hotel supports a greener lifestyle and at the same time raising funds for Heep Hong. Hotel guests can enjoy free trips and donate to Heep Hong Society through a collection box located at the hotel’s lobby. We hereby express our sincerest gratitude for Island Shangri-La’s unfailing support.
Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Helps Heep Hong Collect Donations
Thanks to the continuing support of Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Agency Limited, Heep Hong will place donation collection boxes at the customer care centres of East Point City, Metroplaza, Tsuen Wan Plaza and Grand Century Place from 1 July to 31 December 2011. All donations raised through this collection will go to helping children with special needs and their parents. Please stop by and make a donation! (Click here for the independent auditor's report of the event)
Good Hope Singers Sponsored Music Group Therapies
Good Hope Singers made a donation of HK$250,000 to Heep Hong Society on 26 March 2011 for the provision of music group therapies to children with special needs at Heep Hong centres in an effort to improve their analytical, creative, communicative, social, sensori-motor and memory capabilities.
Heep Hong Donation Boxes at Starbucks Coffee
Starbucks Coffee supported Heep Hong by allowing it to place donation box at 50 of their coffee shops located at Mongkok, Tsimshatsui and Kwun Tong on the Kowloon side, and Admiralty, Central, Causeway Bay, Wanchai and Quarry Bay on the Hong Kong Island between February and March 2011.
Genting Hong Kong Sponsored Star Cruises Tour
Sponsored by Genting Hong Kong, 30 pairs of children and parents from Tung Chung Centre toured Star Cruises on 31 January 2011. Participants enjoyed an exciting journey by touring different facilities on the cruise, including the deck, rooms and cabin etc. Genting Hong Kong also prepared some team-based games for all participants, and a wide range of snacks and beverages.
Habibi’s Ancient Egyptian Charity Dinner for Heep Hong
Habibi hosted an evening of ancient Egyptian cuisine and traditional entertainment on 22 February 2011 ─ all in aid of charity with 25% of the evening’s proceeds went to Heep Hong Society.
Island Shangri-La Held "A" Hamper Fund Raising Raffle
Island Shangri-Lahas organized a charity raffle in partnership with Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong for the benefit of children with special needs and their families, and raised HK$600,000 for Heep Hong Society.
natures purest Mini-Christmas-Tree Charity Sale
The specialty store of organic baby products, natures purest, sold mini-Christmas trees imported from Holland at its three stores and donated all proceeds, totalling HK$80,000, to Heep Hong in support of children with special needs.
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Salute to Carers Program
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort gave 6000 complimentary entry tickets to Heep Hong children so that they could visit the park between 15 October and 20 December 2010 with their caregivers as a token of their gratitude.
ASC Fine Wines Donated Proceeds from Auction
ASC Fine Wines donated all the proceeds of HK$24,000 from the silent auction of five large and special bottles of wine at the wine dinner on 4 November 2010.
Pfizer Hong Kong Organized Community Activity for Children
“Pfizer Caring Hands” volunteer team visited the Jumpin Gym with children from Chan Chung Hon Centre on 27 October 2010 to enhance children’s social adaptation abilities.
Rotary Club of the Peak Sponsored Mural Painting at Centre
Volunteers of Rotary Club of the Peak sponsored and part-took in the mural painting at Pak Tin Centre on 9 October 2010. They also participated in group games with children.
Kwik Education International Donated Participation Fees from Its GoGoMatch©
Kwik Education International Ltd donated over HK$10,000 from its GoGoMatch© held on 25 September 2010 and invited our children to give dance performance on the stage to boost social harmony.
Island Shangri-La Hong Kong Celebrated Festival with Heep Hong Children
Island Shangri-La Hong Kong invited children from Wan Chai Centre and Wan Tsui Centre to visit their place on 10 September 2010. Dozens of volunteers from the hotel arranged many engaging activities and prepared decent cuisine for our children in celebration of the Mid-Autumn festival.
MSIG Shared Their Fitness Festival with Our Children
MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Ltd invited more than 200 children and their families to join their Fitness Festival for staff at Pui O Beach on Lantau Island on 21 August 2010 and made a donation to Heep Hong.
Standard Chartered Supported Mural Painting at Wan Tsui Centre (West Wing)
40 enthusiastic staff members from the Corporate Real Estate Services Department of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited joined forces with centre children to beautify the exterior walls of the West Wing of Wan Tsui Centre on 7 April 2011.
Mr Nick Chung Donated Proceeds from His Publication
Mr Nick Chung published a comic story book on the theme of love and sharing, and donated proceeds of HK10,000 from the book sale to Heep Hong in support of our services for children with special needs.
“Around the Community in 180 Days”
With the continuing Sponsorship of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong, the third round “Around the Community in 180 Days” is being held since March 2009 to train the children with special needs on social adaptability with an aim to integrate them into the community as early as possible. It has already served about 300 children by taking them outdoor for social activities. These outing activities include visiting libraries, getting haircuts, eating in restaurants, watching movies in cinemas and visiting shopping malls.
Grand Hyatt Volunteers Visited Wanchai Centre
On 9 June, Mr Gordon Fuller, Area Vice President and General Manager of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, and his colleagues visited our Wanchai Centre, Where they spent an enjoyable afternoon and made friends with our children. The volunteers also toured around the centre to further understand the service of Heep Hong.
Melco Supports Children with Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
With the donations from Melco International Development Ltd, a project with tailored made services to help children with ADHD was launched. It covers a series of therapeutic groups and interest classes for ADHD children, workshops and seminars for parents and caretakers of these needy children as well as a handbook with useful exercise programmes and effective parental skills. This project will also provide psychological and physiotherapeutic training for ADHD children who also suffer from Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).
Mr Wilson Kwok Gave Birthday Donations to Heep Hong
Mr Wilson Kwok donated over HK$90,000 raised on his 50th birthday party to help children with special needs.
Edko Films Ltd Held “Ocean Heaven” Preview Screening
Edko Films Ltd joined hands with Heep Hong Society to hold the “Ocean Heaven” Preview Screening on Father’s Day 2010 for 250 parents and supporters of Heep Hong to raise funds for The Fathers' Club. All charity tickets were sold out and the proceeds were used to support the activities of the Father’s Club.
Cheung Ching Centre Installs “Manulife Musical Movement & Play Therapy Room”
With the generous donation from Manulife Charitable Foundation, our Cheung Ching Centre installed a Musical Movement and Play Therapy Room, the first of its kinds in Hong Kong in combining a music room and a play therapy room under the same roof.
Most of the children with special needs have motor coordinating problems which restrict them from enjoying sports and movement activities. The problems of their motor clumsiness bring troubles to their daily lives and lead to lower self-confidence. In view of this, the physiotherapists of Heep Hong Society tried to incorporate music and movement elements with motor training. Initially, they found the result very encouraging. Most of them have improved their motor coordination, attention focus, and communication skills.
Mr. Michael Huddart, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Hong Kong, Manulife (International) Limited and our Director Ms. Nancy Tsang officiated at the Donation Ceremony on 28 Feb 2008. The new treatment room occupying 60 square metres is equipped with a variety of toys, a climbing wall, multi-media equipment and musical instruments.
Visits to Cathay City and Government Flying Service
Arranged by the Sunnyside Club, children and parents of our Chun Shek Centre, Alice Louey Centre and Kwok Yip Lin Houn Centre visited Cathay City and the headquarters of the Government Flying Service from February to April. Children and their parents enjoyed a fun-filling day with volunteers of the Sunnyside Club, looking at real air planes and touring the museum at Cathay City.
Donation of two vans by Prince Jewellery & Watch
Prince Jewellery and Watch donated two vans to Heep Hong for picking up children and transporting training equipments in the new school year. Mr Jimmy Chu, Ms Vinny Tang & Mr Joseph Chu, Executive Directors of Prince Jewellery & Watch were invited to the donation ceremony on 15 July 2008. Mr Nat Chan, as Heep Hong Ambassador, accepted the keys from the donors.
Volunteers from Goldman Sachs Support to Heep Hong Society
In May and June, volunteers of Goldman Sachs joined hands with children of our Pak Tin Centre to conduct mural painting to refurbish the outside of the Centre and accompanied children and parents of our Healthy Kids Centre to visit the Hong Kong Wetland Park followed by a cake and cookies making workshop. In July, they will take the children of our Hoi Fu Centre to an outing at the Lake Egret Nature Park.
MSIG Supports Training Projects for Autistic Youth
MSIG Insurance sponsors the training project run by our Hoi Fu Parents Recourses Centre for autistic children of primary 5 to early secondary. Through training activities and opportunity for performance and social service, the project helps these children improve their communication and problem solving skills and integrate into the society. It also helps the community to understand the need of autistic children.
Another pre-job training project designed for autistic youth aged from 17 to 25 sponsored by MSIG helps these youngsters in job seeking through training on interpersonal skills and interview techniques. Added to this, a survey to parents on their concerns related to employment of their autistic children was conducted and pre-job placement opportunity was offered for students. MSIG and Heep Hong co-organized a media briefing on 21 October 2008 to enable a better understanding among the community of employment difficulties faced by autistic teens.