Heep Hong Society
Children Development Series
With a large team of professional staff and years of experience in serving children with developmental and learning problems and their families, Heep Hong has published the following publications and training package in Chinese to share its knowledge and experience with peer practitioners, parents and students.

Child Talk: A Language Development Toolkit for Parents
Play is the key to unlock children’s potential in the domains of intellectual, physical, language, social emotional development, as well as problem-solving, creativity and logical thinking. Written by the speech therapist team of Heep Hong Society, Child Talk consists of 75 activities for promoting children’s language and cognitive development from birth to six years. Parents will find a myriad of ideas of using simple games and everyday activities to motivate children to learn and communicate. The activities are designed to enhance parent-child interaction while developing children’s language potential in a natural and enjoyable way. Each chapter presents an overview of language ability and key learning points at a particular developmental stage, paired with 15 easy-to-follow activities. The activities are built on children’s interests and include a set of learning objectives, materials used, steps and targeted vocabulary/sentence structures. Parents can make use of daily objects at home to play with their children, which can, in fact, provide a lot of fun and learning opportunities. Child Talk also includes 18 frequently asked questions in the areas of promotor, articulation and language development. The answers to those questions will equip parents with the essential knowledge of children’s speech and language development. Published by Sing Tao Publishing Ltd., Child Talk is available in local bookstores. Members of the Society can enjoy a discounted price at the Society's centres. Buy Now
- Price:
- HK$88
- Membership Price:
- HK$80 (applicable to parents of children at Heep Hong centres, members of Heep Hong Parents' Association and members of the Junior Gateway Club)

Step by Step: A Guide to Enhancing Autistic Children’s Communication Skills
Children with autism spectrum disorder often encounter delayed language development. Even when verbal ability is developed, they have difficulties in communication. Written by our speech therapist team, this book was well-received by parents when it was first published in 2009. In 2017, the team revised the guide to help parents grasp the language features and communication styles of autistic children as well as their own communication styles in order to strengthen their two-way communication using the ‘Step by Step’ approach. Buy Now
- Price:
- Price: HK$60
- Membership Price:
- Membership Rate:HK$54 (applicable to parents of children at Heep Hong centres, members of Heep Hong Parents' Association and members of the Junior Gateway Club)

Big Feet Playground-Sensory Awareness and Physical Activities for Children 0-3 Years
Written by paediatric physiotherapists of the Society who are also parents themselves, Big Feet Playground-Sensorimotor and Physical Activities for Children 0-3 Years comprises over 120 home training activities to help infants and toddlers develop their awareness and perception of their seven body senses and motor coordination competences. Parents can refer to the lists of physical development milestones in every chapter to keep track of their children’s progress. The activities are also specifically designed to be interactive and fun — perfect for building parent-child relationship and quality family time in children’s early years. Buy Now
- Price:
- HK$88
- Membership Price:
- Membership Rate:HK$80 (applicable to parents of children at Heep Hong centres, members of Heep Hong Parents' Association and members of the Junior Gateway Club)

Parent Manual on Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
For children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), studies revealed that the absence of attention, emotion-processing abilities and social-communication skills are merely symptoms, and the core of the problems facing them lies in the impairment of their executive function. Therefore, general parenting and teaching strategies might not be applicable to children affected. This Manual, published by Sing Tao Publishing Ltd, is written by Heep Hong Society. It throws light on causes and features of children with ADHD, and provides parents with about 40 corresponding training activities to enhance the learning and self-care abilities of children with ADHD. Buy Now
- Price:
- HK$88
- Membership Price:
- HK$80 (applicable to parents of children at Heep Hong centres, members of Heep Hong Parents' Association and members of the Junior Gateway Club)

Decoding Children’s Behaviors, published by Sing Tao Publishing Ltd, is written by the professional training team of Heep Hong Society. The book throws light on characteristics and common behavioral problems of children with autism, and provides parents and teachers with corresponding coping strategies through 30 authentic cases took place in schools, public areas and at home. The coping strategies recommended in the case studies are also applicable to children in general and serve to strengthen parent-child and teacher-student relationships. Buy Now
- Price:
- HK$88
- Membership Price:
- HK$80 (applicable to parents of children at Heep Hong centres, members of Heep Hong Parents' Association and members of the Junior Gateway Club)

Guide to Enhancing Children’s Self-care Abilities
It is not uncommon for local children to lead a sheltered life and depend on adults for daily self-care routines. For those with special needs, self-care could also be physically or mentally challenging. In the light of this, the Occupation Therapy Team of Heep Hong Society produced the handbook in an effort to equip parents with knowledge of developing children’s self-care skills and provide them with practical tips on tacking common self-care problems, particularly in the areas of eating, drinking, going to toilets, dressing and washing themselves. Buy Now
- Price:
- HK$48
- Membership Price:
- HK$40 (applicable to parents of children at Heep Hong centres, members of Heep Hong Parents' Association and members of the Junior Gateway Club)