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Heep Hong Society

Heep Hong Parents’ Association Celebrated Mother’s Day with Chief Secretary for Administration

This year’s Mother’s Day is especially meaningful for the Heep Hong Parents' Association. The Chief Secretary for Administration, the Honourable Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBS, JP, invited the members of the Association and their children to celebrate Mother’s Day at her residence. Mrs Lam is an old friend who witnessed the inception of the Association in 2001 while serving as the Director of Social Welfare. She has shown genuine concern about the needs of parents and formed a close bond with the Association for more than a decade.

All the visiting members of the Association were parents of children with special needs. Their children are at different stages of life, ranging from students at pre-school, primary school and secondary school to young adults who have joined the workforce. They face endless challenges every day. Listening to the parents’ stories of pain and joy, Mrs Lam encouraged them to adopt a positive attitude. The parents were overjoyed at the news that the HK$2 public transport concessionary fare would be extended to eligible children with disabilities effective on 18 May 2014 and expressed their gratitude towards the government. They believed that children with special needs would live a fulfilling life and reach their full potential with the support from the government and society. In fact, this is the deepest wish of every parent on Mother’s Day.

The Amber rainstorm warning signal did not throw a wet blanket on the warm and lively meeting at the residence of the Chief Secretary for Administration. Heep Hong children and teenagers captivated the audience with their fantastic singing, choral speaking and juggling. The parents baked home-made cake for the occasion, and the children prepared delicate handicrafts for the parents as a token of thanks for their love and care. It was a pleasant time for every participant.

Photo 1 in Heep Hong Parents’ Association Celebrated Mother’s Day with Chief Secretary for Administration
Photo 2 in Heep Hong Parents’ Association Celebrated Mother’s Day with Chief Secretary for Administration
Photo 3 in Heep Hong Parents’ Association Celebrated Mother’s Day with Chief Secretary for Administration

Heep Hong Parents’ Association celebrated mother’s day with the Chief Secretary for Administration