Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are characterised by a persistent pattern of inattention and insufficient self-discipline. The emphasis of training hitherto has been on the enhancement of their concentration power and emotion management. As a growing number of findings revealed, the deficit of attention, emotion management abilities and social-communication skills are merely symptoms. Their core problem lies in the impairment of their executive function, including the behavioral inhibition ability, language, memory and reorganization ability). Furthermore, some ADHD children are affected by other co-existing developmental problems, such as sensory information processing problem and developmental coordination disorder.
Sponsored by the Quality Education Fund, Heep Hong’ s professional team conducted a pilot scheme entitled “Holistic School-based Support Programme for Students with ADHD” in a couple of schools in 2009, and shared their knowledge and experience with fellow professionals at a seminar held on 28 May 2011(Sat). All participants were given compliementary copies of a Teacher's Manual on ADHD produced by Heep Hong Society.