'Flags for Fun Day’, the annual fundraising event of Heep Hong Society, will be held on Hong Kong Island on 12 April 2014 (Sat) with an aim to raise HK$1.2million to sustain our services at Parents Resources Centres.
To echo the World Autism Awareness Day and the Children’s Day in the same month, the theme of this year’s event is ‘Flags for Fun’. Volunteers are encouraged to dress up as cartoon characters or in child-related costumes to raise social awareness of the needs of children with autism and other developmental problems. We will post selfies onto our facebook fanpage (www.facebook.com/heephong) to share the fun as well as to recognize the creativity of our volunteers. In addition, we will present the Best Costume Award to volunteer(s). More details are available here.
Details of Heep Hong Society’s Flag Day:
Date:12 April 2014 (Sat)
Time:7:00am– 12:30pm
Venue:Hong Kong Island
For the frequently-asked questions about 'Flags for Fun Day', please click here.
Making Donations:
Click here for online donation. Company’s name will be published in the newspaper in acknowledgment of any donations of $3,000 or above.
Schools/ Organisations can support our 'Flags for Fun Day' in the following ways:
Circulation of Money Collection Bags in Schools:
Schools and organisations may consider circulating money collection bags internally and collect donations by the event day.
Making Donations:
Click here for online donation. The school’s name will be published in the newspaper in acknowledgment of any donations of $3,000 or above.
- All participants will receive a certificate of appreciation
- 'Active School Award’ will be presented to schools with over 30 volunteers. The names of schools will also be listed on our official website and newspaper advertisement.
- Outstanding Volunteers Recruitment Award’ will be presented to school with the largest number of volunteers.
Please click here to download the School / Organisation Volunteer Application Form. (The recruitment of volunteers has been frozen. Please support Heep Hong's flag day 2014 by making donations.)
Companies can support our ‘Flags for Fun Day’ in the following ways:
Circulation of Money Collection Bags in Office:
Companies may consider circulating money collection bags in the office and collect donations by the event day.
Making Donations:
Click here for online donation. Company’s name will be published in the newspaper in acknowledgment of any donations of $3,000 or above.
- All participants will receive a certificate of appreciation.
- 'Outstanding Volunteers Recruitment Award’ will be presented to the top three companies with the largest number of volunteers.
- The names of companies with over 10 volunteers will also be listed on our official website and newspaper advertisement.
- Participating companies will have chance to be nominated as a Caring Company.
Please click here to download the Corporate Volunteer Application Form. (The recruitment of volunteers has been frozen. Please support Heep Hong's flag day 2014 by making donations.)
For other enquiries, please contact us at 2776 3111 or 3618 6326, or email to us at events@heephong.org.