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Heep Hong Society

2014 'Flags for Fun Day’ of Heep Hong Society Held Successfully

Heep Hong Society’s ‘Flags for Fun Day’ was successfully held on the Hong Kong Island on 12 April 2014. Over 3,300 volunteers participated in the charitable cause.

The Society would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to our corporate partners, parents, students, staff and other members of the Society for their great contributions. We would also like to thank the public for their generous donations.

The funds raised will be used to enhance the support services at Heep Hong Parents Resource Centres to help children with special needs and their parents.

The Best Costume Competition is open to volunteers of the ‘Flags for Fun Day’. The closing date for photo entries is 17 April 2014 (6:00pm). More details are available here. Results will be announced at the website and Facebook page of Heep Hong Society by the end of April 2014.

Photo 1 in 2014 'Flags for Fun Day’ of Heep Hong Society Held Successfully
Photo 2 in 2014 'Flags for Fun Day’ of Heep Hong Society Held Successfully
Photo 3 in 2014 'Flags for Fun Day’ of Heep Hong Society Held Successfully

Volunteers from Island Shangri-La, Hong Kong joined in the Flag Day of Heep Hong Society